2025 Low COPE April 11-13 Registration
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2025 Low COPE April 11-13
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
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San Diego Imperial Council



What is Project C.O.P.E.?

C.O.P.E. is an acronym for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience and at Mataguay Scout Ranch, we have a weekend that will do just that!

Whether your unit needs help learning how to Communicate, Plan, Trust each other, Team-work, build Leadership, learn to Make Decisions, Problem Solve, or just build Self-esteem, we have a program that will fill your units needs.

For units that wish to camp as a part of their experience, camping is under the high course and is “backpack” style. 


Please note that our High Course and Zip line are currently closed, but the C.O.P.E methods and goals remain the same for your group.

Initiative Games

Our staff works with your unit through initiative games and objectives that help get everyone in the mood for the day's activities. These "simple" games combined with unit leaders input help identify where your group could use guidance and improvement throughout the weekend.

Low Course

The Low Course is where your group begins to shine. Through numerous elements (between 18” and 12 feet off the ground) we begin to challenge your group to think outside the box, grow their leadership skills and work cohesively. Each objective builds upon the previous tasks and presents new and exciting challenges. Some groups that enter the program complete all the elements, however most do not. Remember that even if your group has been through a Low Course on previous adventures, we can tailor your weekend to give your unit a chance to achieve even higher goals.

"Challenge by Choice"

The entire weekend is set up to challenge your unit to do things they never thought possible. We will not, however, force anyone (through peer pressure, or any other measure) to do something they are deathly afraid of. Our staff may ask a participant to try and go one move higher, or take one more step, or try something a different way to help overcome those fears, but the participant has the ultimate say in how far they go.

Course Operation

The C.O.P.E. program offerings can be tailored for your group. Some examples:


  1. Day trip only: Saturday 8am to 5pm. (Initiative games and Low elements)
  2. Single overnight: Friday evening arrival through 5pm Saturday evening (Initiative games and Low elements)
  3. Double overnight: Friday evening arrival through ~noon Sunday 

For groups wanting a double overnight, the unit can plan their own program at our awesome camp for Saturday night and Sunday AM or contact the C.O.P.E  team to arrange a program (Options could include night course elements, night/ghost/history hikes, stargazing, campfire circles or ??? A “Scouts Own” time can also be scheduled into the program on Sunday morning. 


Please contact the course Director for other options we can provide for your group:

Tarlin Lanese Mataguay.COPE@gmail.com

Contact E-mail
$12.00 per Adult (non participating)
$20.00 per Adult Participant
$20.00 per IN COUNCIL-Scouts BSA
$20.00 per IN COUNCIL-Venturer Scout
$35.00 per Non BSA Adult
$35.00 per Non BSA Youth ages 11-18
$25.00 per OUT COUNCIL-Venturer Scout
$25.00 per Out of Council-Scouts BSA
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be in writing. There is a 10% administrative fee for participant cancellation in advance of 90 days. 50% participant cancellation fee if cancelled 30-89 days prior to event. No refund less than 30 days before event. Any registration may be transferred for a 10% administrative fee prior to the event. Please mail all cancellation requests to Camping at sdiccamp@scouting.org.