Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is a two day, overnight hands-on training program that give adult leaders the practical
(Not High Adventure) outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in their outdoor programs.
The skills sessions presented closely follow the Scouts BSA Handbook and are meant to serve as an adult training outline.
Participating troop leadership should include the Scoutmaster, all Assistant Scoutmasters, interested troop Committee members, and new adults
It is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be fully trained.
Saturday, April 5th through April 6th, 2025.
Location: Green Oaks Ranch 1237 Green Oak Rd, Vista, CA 92081
Check-in begins at 7:30 am and starts at 8:30 am. Class completion noon Sunday
Cost $ 45.00 /person max class size (25)
(includes facility, beverages, snacks, Sat lunch/dinner; Sun breakfast)
Deadline to Register 5 pm Friday, March 28th, 2025
Participants will be camping overnight on Saturday and should bring tent, overnight sleeping supplies, chair, compass, and Scout Handbook.
Field uniform and activity/unit t-shirt recommended;
Please wear comfortable closed-toe shoes & hat.
Your classroom is the outdoors.
Bring completed Annual Health and Medical Record (Parts A & B).
To attend IOLS training, bring proof of completion… required;
- Scouts BSA Leader Position Specific training (online or in-person)
- Current Youth Protection Training (YPT) (online)
- Current Hazardous Weather (online)
Palomar IOLS Flyer for more information or to share with others Palomar IOLS Flyer
*Trainings are available online
For more info: Resources - San Diego-Imperial Council
Contact: Bob Keeley, Palomar District Training Chair or John Lee, RSLR Trainer
Staff Sponsor: Melissa Lardie,