Wood Badge W6-49-21
October 1-3 and October 23-24
You are cordially invited to continue your leadership training and dedication to Scouting's Aims and Methods by enrolling in the Wood Badge Course for Fall 2021!
Course W6-49-21 will be held October 1-3, 2021, and October 23-24, 2021 at Mataguay Scout Ranch. Both weekends are mandatory for the completion of the course. Scout leaders must have a current BSA registration, have completed basic scout leader training (and in some cases outdoor training) to qualify for the course.
The highest levels of leadership training are featured in this course, as well as a global view of scouting. Participants and staff from all levels of Scouting will join together for 6 days of concentrated study, goal setting, and FUN!! Participants will live and train in the out-of-doors as they build friendships and associations that will last a lifetime. The principles of leadership will be taught to help each scout leader increase their ability to meet the needs of their units and inspire their youth to learn and achieve at an even greater level.
The course fee covers the cost for food, presentation materials, Wood Badge participant ball cap, and 1 activity t-shirt (additional shirts are available on a pre-order basis for $15 each (3XL-$18, 4XL-$20).
IF PAID IN FULL, BY August 2, receive an additional t-shirt, FREE!
There is a fair amount of strenuous physical activity in Wood Badge. If there is any question of your physical ability to take part, contact the Course Director for special accommodations. A current and complete BSA medical form (including parts A, B, and C, is required for attendance. It should be submitted on or before September 1, 2021. Medical forms are available online through the course website, http://sdicbsa.org/Training/W6-49-19/Participants.php
A participant orientation meeting will be on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7pm at Camp Balboa.
Course Cost: 300.00
Payment Options
1st Payment: A $50 down payment is required at the time of registration to hold your spot for the course. The following payment options are available:
Pay online during the registration process via Credit Card or Paypal.
Send check payment to SDIC-BSA, 1207 Upas St, San Diego, CA 92103. Reference your registration number on your check. Click on the Mail/Offline option when completing your registration.
Pay via credit card at the Council Service Center or by phone at 619-298-6121 x230 during regular business hours. No convenience fee will apply. Have your confirmation number available. Click on the Mail/Offline option when completing your registration.
2nd Payment: $150 by July 2, 2021.
Final Payment: All final monies are due by September 1, 2021.
You are welcome to pay all of your fees in full at the time of registration.
For more information, please contact the Course Director, Mike Byerline, at Mbyerline@gmail.com